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At the end, Bruenor asks the heroes to go to Gravenhollow to learn what exactly is going on with the demon lords. To get to Gravenhollow, the group will need to meet with a Zhentarim agent in Mantol-Derith. The Feast : Members of each faction are here detailed below. I guess you could put in some prominent NPCs from your campaign world, though be careful. Reward : Bruenor offers the group rewards, including property in Gauntlgrym and items made in the Great Forge.
The Factions : Bruenor wants the group to enlist the aid of as many factions as possible. The Zhentarim are needed, because their agent in Mantol-Derrith can get the group to Gravenhollow. He is accompanied by a shield guardian.
She is stern and stubborn. She can give the heroes giant lizard mounts and 3 NPC dwarf scouts. He can give the group a whopping 8 NPCs. Zhentarim Davra Jassur : She is evil and values order and ambition. She wants a full share of whatever treasure the heroes get as well as a full report. She can give the group 8 NPC thugs. Her name is Khalessa Draga.
She uses a hat of disguise to look like a drow. An Emerald Enclave scout named Sladis Vadir has gone missing. He has gone crazy. Seems like it would slow the game down in a major way. The journey through the Underdark to Mantol-Derith is miles! Yes, you roll for random encounters the entire way. Check out the next chapter for details scroll down, I did 8 sample travel days. At the end of the long journey, the Zhentarim guides lead the group to a secret door that leads to 1a in Mantol-Derrith page Mantol-Derith is Guarded by Trapped Secret Doors : Trying to open one of these secret doors without the password will probably disintegrate you: 55 force damage, save for half.
He can help them get to Gravenhollow. He has a magic ring that can guide the wearer to the safest, shortest route to Gravenhollow. The gem is spreading demonic madness. Destroying the gem is a little tricky page Basically you need to smash it with a magic weapon. Mantol-Derith has 3 Rules : No stealing of goods from fellow merchants. No disguising of goods by any means. No use of magic during negotiation and haggling. The punishment for violating a rule: You are wrapped in chains and tossed into the Darklake.
Tons and Tons of Stats : This chapter is overloaded with stuff you have to look up. You need to look up traps, you need to roll magic items from table b of the DMG. Definitely set aside some extra time to get this chapter ready. Complicated Situation : So basically, everyone has succumbed to demonic madness here. Mantol-Derrith has a population of people, split into factions who are all turning against each other.
The duergar are trying to kill the deep gnomes. The drow are planning to kill both of them. Chapter Descent Into the Depths This chapter deals with travel, like chapter 2.
It discusses the horde of NPCs accompanying the heroes, a situation that seems to me like it will grind the game to a halt. But first.. Teleportation Circles : Your group should be level 9 by now, which means wizards have access to the teleportation circle spell.
I highly recommend using this to cut down on the travel time, which in my opinion gets way out of control in this adventure. Do remember, though, that teleportation to and from Menzoberranzan is impossible as it is magically blocked by the drow due to the demonic incursion. Also be sure to read up on how the faerzress affects teleportation on page 21, but remember that you have a lot of control over what areas are in the faerzress.
Navigation is Easier : Advantage on Wisdom survival checks to avoid getting lost. Random Events : Every second day of travel or camping, roll on the random events table page Again, I suggest you roll these in advance so you can have stats ready. Some of these charts have tables within tables. Plus, I love rolling on charts. That means that the journey to Mantol-Derith will take 34 days. The NPC names are listed back in the faction entries in chapter 8. Day 2 : Discipline Problem: Loud Argument does not attract monsters : Nero Kalvane Zhentarim claims that the giant lizard mount of Griswalla Emerald Enclave ate a portion of his provisions.
He demands to get to ride the lizard as compensation. He ate a bunch of his own food and now is trying to weasel his way into riding a mount rather than walking like a sucker. Day 4 : Juiblex! I swear I rolled this legit. This demon lord is on page Best case is that everyone runs, and any NPCs that survived now have madness to deal with. Day 6 : Raiders – Goblin boss and 3 goblins : This is sort of amusing.
What chance do these goblins have? Day 7 : Saliyra Dalnor Zhentarim confides in a hero that she thinks Ghazrim, the agent in Mantol-Derith, has a beholder as an ally. The beholder is missing three eyestalks this is all true. Conversely, maybe it would be fun to have everyone swarm them, competing for the killing blow.
Barlgura skin cloaks might be kind of fun to have. The Gracklstugh section is actually really cool page The duergar want to sacrifice the red dragon to Demogorgon! Chapter Gravenhollow This place is miles from Mantol-Derith.
Sixty days! The ring they got from Ghazrim will lead the party right to Gravenhollow. The heroes can explore the library, talk to ghostly echoes, and learn a bit about the demon lords. He is looking into the demonic invasion as well. He tells the group that he thinks a wizard from Menzoberranzan named Gromph has something to do with the demonic incursion. Ulthar, the stone giant librarian who records the past, will give the group a stone speaker crystal page , which only functions in Gravenhollow.
They can use it to have tons of visions, where they learn a lot. Most notably, they have a vision that implies that Gromph is indeed the one who started all of this. They also get clues that Lolth is using this opportunity to have her demon children take over the vacated abyssal realms of the demon lords. Vizeran talks to the group again, and claims he knows how to banish the demon lords back to the Abyss. He wants to team up with the heroes.
Vizeran asks the group to come with him to his tower to talk in private. The tower and the meeting are detailed in chapter Things to Know About Gravenhollow : Magic has warped the place so that it is bigger than should be possible. Every event that has ever occurred in the underdark is recorded on tablets in Gravenhollow. Troublemakers will be turned to stone by the behir. Finding anything tablets, ancient texts, etc requires a DC 14 Wisdom check. Failure just means you wasted some time and need to roll again.
There are 3 stone giant librarians: Ulthar, Keeper of the Past : He files ancient texts. He likes to compose poetry and is friendly to the PCs. He is very busy. Ustova, Keeper of the Future : She is a seer who meditates and transcribes her visions onto stone tablets. Ghostly apparitions of other visitors flicker in and out.
Vizeran allows only the heroes inside. The NPCs will have to wait outside. Sneaking In : The group will need to overcome 24 suits of animated armor and a guards and wards spell. Guards and wards is on page of the PH. That means hallways will be full of fog, doors are protected by illusions and are magically locked, stairs are full of webs and there might be stinking clouds in very inconvenient places. The Meeting : Vizeran feeds the group smoked rothe meat and explains that Gromph is the archmage of Menzoberranazan page Gromph performed a ritual that drew on the energy of the faerzress and accidentally opened portals to the Abyss.
The adventurers can learn a lot more if they pry it out of him. The adventure suggests DC 20 skill checks to get these nuggets of information: Lolth manipulated Gromph into doing this.
Gromph vanished after the ritual. Demogorgon rampaged through Menzoberranzan before heading to Sloobludop. Gromph may have been trying to summon and bind a demon lord. Vizeran Has a Plan : Vizeran tells the group his plan flavor text is on page He wants to cast a ritual to create a dark heart talisman. This talisman will bring all of the demon lords to the same place. He hopes that doing this will cause them to destroy each other. Ritual Components The Ritual Needs Ingredients : For Vizeran to cast the ritual, the heroes need to get some things Check out page for more details.
The central eye of a beholder found in the Wormwrithings, page The heart of a goristro found in the Labyrinth page It is unclear on what exactly the grimoire is needed for see below. What is the Grimoire Needed For? So do you need the grimoire to make the talisman or not?
How the Ritual Will Work : So in the end, the group will need to decide where to place the dark heart talisman. Vizeran will be back at his tower. He will cast the ritual, which takes 9 hours. The ritual summons all of the demon lords to the talisman, where they will all fight each other and destroy their physical forms.
The group are going to have to finish off the last demon lord standing which is detailed on page Vizeran Gives Directions : Vizeran gives the group a map to a purple worm nursery and tells them about the gallery of angels in the Labyrinth. Getting the Timmasks : You have a few options for the timmasks. If you want to skip chapter 16, then you can have the group find the timmasks in the goristro footprints after the Yeenoghu encounter on page Run Chapter 16 After Chapter 14 : If you are going to put the timmasks in chapter 16, then that chapter probably should be run before Chapter The Wormwrithings The Wormwrithings are hundreds of miles of tunnels carved out by purple worms.
Vizeran will give the group a map of a purple worm nesting area, which is about 48 miles from his tower. Foraging is more difficult here, requiring DC 20 Wisdom survival checks. The tunnels are 10 feet in diameter. Check for random encounters once per day using the chart on page Roll a d6 to determine natural illumination. Once the group is halfway to the worm nursery, they stumble on a troglodyte lair page Troglodytes are fighting over a magic sword.
The troglodytes have a 20 minute standoff, and then a series of events occur throughout the complex see page Supplies and Captives : The troglodytes have a bunch of prisoners, all with only a single hit point remaining. There are 2 drow members of House Milarn who were searching for a purple worm egg as a gift for their matron and 4 shield dwarves prospectors from Mithril Hall. Voice in the Dark page : Once the group is 6 miles from the worm nursery, a lone lost drow named Hanne tries to scare them off with illusions.
She could end up befriending the party. If the group treated Hanne well, this will work out good. If the group treated her poorly, things are going to be really rough for them in the worm nursery. Worm Nursery page : As the group explores this place, purple worms show up and carve new tunnels. The worms actually create tunnels on the map T1, T2, and T3. Exploring the First Few Rooms : The group arrives and explore rooms for 15 minutes.
A purple worm comes out of a random wall, plows through room 3 and tunnels through the wall to 8. If the group makes noise in any of these rooms, a purple room arrives in 1d4 minutes and checks on the eggs in room 8. Egg Chamber : The eggs are suspended up in a resin web. The eggs are each 3 feet in diameter. Check out the map on page Cutting an egg free takes 2d4 minutes. Zhora and the Dark Hunters show up from Area 7. Every 5 minutes the group is in here, roll on the egg encounters table page A 16 or higher means problems.
In 10 minutes, the second worm shows up. Also remember that 10 minutes after the first purple worm carved out T1, the second worm comes through 7 into this room. It takes a bit of planning to manage. It will be easy to forget something. But all in all, it is fantastic. This is definitely something to use in your own campaign even if you are not going to run Out of the Abyss. The cavern has a giant carving of a beholder glaring down upon a gaping chasm.
He wants to find some modrons! Shedrak of the Eyes : A human slave of the beholder. His staff has a beholder eye on it that Karazikar can see through. They worship the beholder as if he was a god. There might be madness saving throws involved.
The tunnel comes to a shaft with a rope ladder leading down. The ladder leads to a vast cavern with a chasm and the image of a beholder carved in the ceiling.
The group will first run into Shedrak, and either negotiate with him or attack him. Then they will have to cross a bridge over the chasm. The beholder is on land on the far side. Falling means 20d6 damage. Karazikar gets lair actions, too. With the beholder slain, they can claim his eye.
The slaves now worship the heroes. They will tell them where Karazikar hid his treasure, and lead them to his modron prisoner. The Modron Prisoner : How crazy is this? He got lost on a Great Modron March! If the heroes cast greater restoration, the modron regains his senses and can lead them to a machine that can bring order to chaos. Chapter The Labyrinth The Labyrinth is hundreds of miles of twisting tunnels. Both Baphomet and Yeenoghu are roaming around in here.
Vizeran told the heroes to find the Gallery of Angels to get some angel feathers. The Maze Engine is also in here. Random Encounters : Roll twice a day on the chart on page He actually throws himself at the mercy of the group, thinking his fellow gnolls savages. Monodrone : I really get a kick out of the use of monodrones in this adventure. This particular monodrone is a rogue, and he shouts ‘Down with Primus! This is odd because in 2e it was established that modrons can only sense modrons one rank higher than them.
Thus this little guy should have no idea who Primus is. The whole modron perceiving each other thing was extremely complicated and led to some really confusing situations. The only way to get in is to learn the command word, which can be obtained with an identify spell. Two shadow demons phased through the wall and killed the owner. Spiral of the Horned King page : The group comes to a cave and meets a pathetic, trembling gnoll named Gash.
He offer to be their guide through this deadly area of the labyrinth. If the group treats him poorly, he goes out of his way to lead them into danger. If the group is nice to him, he steers them away from danger. Stuff to know about the maze: It takes 2 hours to navigate the maze. Every 30 minutes toll on the encounter table on page Advantage or disadvantage depending on how the group treats Gash.
Filthriddens page : This shanty town is 48 miles from The Spiral. The people here worship Yeenoghu as their protector. March to Nowhere page : Heroes might hear the sounds of marching feet in the distance.
It is 12 monodrones and a tridrone, lost in the labyrinth since the last Great Modron March. They might join the party. The tridrone could lead them to it. The Group Might Find Timmasks Here, Too : We were told that they are mushrooms that grow in the footprints of goristros and demon lords?
The group needs 13 of them for the ritual. Gallery of Angels page : There are 8 angels in here, all turned to stone. Nothing can free them from their petrified state. Each angel has the power to affect someone touching it, from dominating a PC to forcing a madness check.
Getting the Feathers : You can just break off some stone feathers and blam, quest complete. The Maze Engine OK, people. This section is on page It is too good to skip. The Engine is 48 miles southeast of the angels. It Fell : This thing looks like a working model of the Great Wheel. Once the heroes beat him up, the real fun begins.
We are about to have an EPIC encounter. Are they too weak for your group? They seem like they might be. They have fire breath and they can cast heat metal! You must read these over well before hand. Will your players set fire to your Out of the Abyss hardcover book? Maybe change this one. End of the campaign? Almost assuredly. Maybe just have this happen for a couple of rounds, and then the group returns to whence they left.
Be mindful that you might suddenly have a character in the fight with five hit points. Maybe have this one cure those angels. I feel sorry for them. Starting the Engine : If the group climbs down and starts the Maze Engine a modron can help if Arcana checks are failed , roll initiative. On initiative count 10, 2 magma mephits pop out of the magma and attack. Round 2 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. Two more mephits. Round 3 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. Round 4 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table.
Round 5 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. Round 6 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. The Engine shifts again. Round 7 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table.
Round 8 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. Round 9 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. The Maze Engine slides down the crevasse, dropping ten feet each round. Round 10 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table.
Ten more feet. Round 11 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. Round 12 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. Round 13 : Roll on the Maze Engine Effects table. It sinks into the magma and is destroyed. Round 14 : Add a minor eruption at your discretion see bottom of page Let me just say. I am blown away. Nobody will ever forget playing through this one. Once in Menzoberranzan, he tells the group some things that may complicate everything see page Vizeran suggests that the group leave their NPC horde behind, as a small team will have a better chance of infiltrating the city.
They can take a secret tunnel free of monsters page The group will emerge on a narrow ledge 60 feet below the lip of the rift. If you look at the map, the group will be near West Wall detailed on page up in the top section of the city. Sneaking Around : Traveling here is tricky. Check out the city laws on page Any non-drow who disguises themselves as a drow is to be slain. The price is high but the owner, Dalfred Noakes, seems like a handy fellow to know if things go south.
The base is magically heated each day by the city archmage. This causes the stone to glow. The band of warm light rises up the column, taking 24 hours to reach the top. Jarlaxle Baenre of Bregan D’aerthe page – Secretly knows that Gromph is hiding in the city of Luskan up on the surface world.
The Council of Spiders page – A secret cabal of wizards friendly with Vizeran. Vizeran has told them about the adventurers. They are ready to disable the wards in Sorcere. What About Khalessa Draga?!
And yet she is not discussed in this chapter at all. She appeared on page to stop groups from going to Menzoberranzan so early in the adventure. I highly recommend that you put her to use here to help the heroes out and maybe connect them to one of the three factions. Maybe she even knows a bit about Vizeran and can warn the heroes not to trust him. He thinks Vizeran wants it done in Menzoberranzan simply so that the demon lords will destroy the city.
This resets in an hour, so the party needs to hustle. Safe Passage? The group goes through the tower. The creatures inside will probably leave the group alone due to the aid of the faction. The Maze : Beyond the secret door is a void. This proves that Gromph was responsible for bringing the demon lords to the Underdark. Building the Dark Heart : Once the group has the ingredients collected in the Wormwrithings and the Labyrinth and Araumycos , they can bring them back to Vizeran. It will take him 10 days to make the dark heart.
Now the group must place it. She has lulled Araumycos into some kind of sleep. Bubbling Up Meaning After his warning, thousands of myconids make a pilgrimage to Araumycos. Juiblex notices and heads that way with an army of oozes. Araumycos is 40 miles south of Darklake. As the rapport is being established, black puddings attack the group page The group must then defeat two otyughs who are Araumycos defenders.
The bodies of the adventurers are paralyzed as their astral bodies meet with Araumycos in the Astral Plane. Araumycos is a mountain-sized skull full of fungi. Zuggmoy senses the heroes, but Juiblex attacks her in the physical realm.
The heroes need to go into the skull and battle a tainted fungus mass. Her essence returns to the Abyss. The heroes return to their bodies, and now must defeat a weakened Juiblex. On page , it states that the timmasks can be found in the area of the battle between Zuggtmoy and Juiblex. Reward : Araumycos rewards the group with charms of heroism DMG page Chapter Against the Demon Lords The characters should be 15th level at this point.
Set-Up : The group has the dark heart talisman. They choose where to place it. They alert Vizeran, who is far away safe in his tower, via a sending spell to begin the ritual. The ritual takes 9 hours to cast.
Then the demon lords are summoned to the heart, and they all fight. The group waits to see who is left standing. Their job is to defeat the final demon lord standing. The guy did try to trick the group into destroying Menzoberranzan, after all. Remember that due to casting the ritual, Vizeran has 3 levels of exhaustion PH This means he has disadvantage on attack rolls and saves, his speed is cut in half, and he has disadvantage on ability checks.
Which Demon Lords Are Left? It will attune itself immediately to anyone other than Demogorgon! Remember that the wand is indestructible, unless the ancient hero whose skull is on the wand somehow comes back to life. Not a bad way to end a campaign! Thanks for reading. Integrated Webcam Directional valves are devices used to change the flow direction of fluid within a hydraulic circuit. Sony Visual Communication Camera Huey lewis and the news sports 30th anniversary rar. Swiss Made.
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Before you install and configure ClamAV, here is a bit of background which may be handy to know. The information is then parsed or an exit code is evaluated if no result is available to determine the response from the scan. Files are checked when they are uploaded or updated whether because they were edited or saved but not when they are downloaded.
You can configure your ownCloud server to automatically run a virus scan on newly-uploaded files using the Antivirus App for Files. As always, Linux distributions install and configure ClamAV in different ways. Below you can find the instructions for installing it on Debian or Red Hat-baseddistributions.
This automatically creates the default configuration files and launches the clamd and freshclam daemons. To do so, run the following commands:. Regardless of your operating system, we recommend that you enable verbose logging in both clamd. You must edit both of these before you can run ClamAV. Both files are well commented. Running either manclamd. You can do so using the following commands:. Enable verbose logging in scan. To update your malware database and get the latest malware signatures, you need to run freshclam frequently.
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