Nikon NX Studio Review: How Good Is This Free Photo Editor?
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Nikon capture nx2 recensione free.Nikon D5500 Review
The Nikon D series has long been a good choice for photographers who wanted a very capable compact DSLR that offer a higher level of enthusiast features than the D series that sits below it. Nikon’s latest model – the D – continues that trend, though the differences between it and the D that came before it aren’t enormous.
The D , introduced in the fall of , impressed us with its image quality, flip-out LCD, and feature set. We were less enthused about its menu system and live view performance. So what’s changed? In brief, the D has a smaller and lighter body with an improved grip, a faster processor, touch-enabled LCD, ‘flat’ picture control, and built-in Wi-Fi. We’ll see later if the company addressed some of the issues that we encountered with the D To say the D sits in a crowded field is an understatement.
The D appears to use the same The D also features Nikon’s latest Expeed 4 image processing engine. The design of the D has changed for the better. It uses what is known as a monocoque design which allows the body to be a single unit that also ‘increases durability without weighing it down’, according to Nikon.
Indeed, the camera is very light and compact – even more than the D The grip is also much deeper than on the D, making it a whole lot easier to hold onto. Nikon has also added touch functionality to the already-nice 3. Something has disappeared though, and that’s the built-in GPS that was featured on the D It’s probably a safe bet that Nikon is assuming that people will use their smartphone app to handle geotagging on the D As you can see, the D is an upgrade in every respect, save for the lack of a GPS, though we wonder how often that feature is used in general.
The size of the grip is better than what’s found on Nikon’s more expensive D While the LCD itself hasn’t changed, the addition of touch functionality makes the somewhat frustrating shortcut menu easier to use. One addition that many won’t even notice is an eye sensor, which will turn off the LCD when you put your eye to the optical viewfinder. The D is available in three kits in most regions. Adding the collapsible mm F3.
Everyone advises to buy the best camera you can afford, but I need an honest objective opinion on the D for my goals. Is it not enough for the long term? Is it user friendly for beginners? Also, heard great things about Canon SL3 but its been impossible to find one. I check only refurbished cameras from reputable stores. Is there a camera I might be missing?
Id love some input! Point of clarification: With the D did Nikon finally address the infamous “must exit and reenter LiveView to change aperture”? The wording of the review implies you can now change aperture while in LiveView though still not while a video is being recorded. Count how many times the author says “while He sure does like using the word “while” a lot.
I wonder why this shutter shock thing does not seem to withhold people from buying this camera. For me it certainly is a dealbreaker. The expectation that the best of sharpness in my foto’s will be ruined, takes away my buying fun. But maybe I’m taking the review too seriously Please help with a sincere opinion. My right eye is suffering of cataracts, an I am using now all the time glasses correcting a They also react to the light becoming darker outside.
Without glasses I will see badly through the optical viewfinder. With glasses I may have difficulties because the eye is not close enough to the rubber, not to mention that the autofocus points may not be “focused” by my glasses, being so close to the lens. Shortly, how do you use it? Assuming that at least a fourth of the world’s population has more or less, the same problem Would a viewfinder of a competitor in the same class, Rebel, G85, act much-much better then Nikon’s?
The viewfinder on DSLRs can generally be corrected for glasses.. The bigger difference in viewfinder is if the camera uses a Pentamirror or a Pentaprism. You want the Pentaprism as it is brighter. Many of the cheaper, low end crop bodies use a Pentamirror such as this D Pentax cameras adopt a Pentaprism in even the lower end bodies though produced today. I’m not sure about Canon. Two weeks ago I sold my Samsung NX30, because I coundn’t find an external flahs for it and because Samsung has abandoned this line production.
For replacing it, I got the Nikon D I really expected more for such branded camera. I really hope the images are better than NX30 although the chart where we can compare various models in this review shows a significant worse image quality compared to NX I’m very concerning about my decision Let’s see in more details: – the butons and controls: NX30 has a higher and to me, rotating control on top, also, has one key for the modes of braket, timer and single shot; – the mode selector has some shortcuts to WiFi real wi-fi, not the Nikon’s joke , scene modes with the great Portrait retouch mode ; – the pop-up flash has radio control by wirelless – unfortunately, it works very well on Samsung proprietaru flash ; – the EVF is almost perfect for ultra light situations and you see what the camera is capturing.
All – ALL – informations on display are on EVF; Nikon has a mirror and this makes all difference, cutting any image or info when shooting; the only poblem with NX30 evf is the frame rate when making movies For killing the Nikon ovf, nx30 is protuding, which is the most for pictures or movies! Continuing: The controls on backs in Nikon are just keys. NX30 has also a rotating control; The display on Nikon is bigger, but Samsung is Super Amoled, very visible; The lenses: although in less number of options, they are the most one can need for simple occasions.
I had the mm – motorized in focus and zoom does Nikon has any affordable priced lens with motorized zoom? D has better low light performance according to DxOMark. After about 5 months i don’t feel good with this camera. I can say everything is good except AF accuracy.
Anyone know the model number of the Sony IMX sensor in the d? It is very impressive and has caused me to retire my d except as a backup camera. I bought one too. I had the opportunity to try the D against the D, and D Canon Competition, and came away with this camera the D as my choice. Mostly for the video. Not in a super hurry for 4K quite yet since most of my friends have p tech, as do I. The thing that so impressed me was the balance, low weight, excellent touch screen interface, and solid image quality.
I want the flat profile to take advantage of the D’s wide dynamic range. I may get the D some day, or the D, but so far, I am not really in a hurry to do so. I bought it today from internet.
At ISO grains or noise are not noticeable. I like it because i usually shoot at a small room lit by 1 small white bulb. I tested with a mm NVR plus as small amount of built in flash. It is much lighter compared to my D, grip is very good and viewfinder is OK to me. Sorry i can’t compare to high end which i have not used.
I have been using Nikon D for past 7 months. Viewfinder gets completely washed out if sun is too bright. Anyone else having this problem? I can’t see a way to adjust brightest of readings in viewfinder. Local camera shop had no clue. Nikon hasn’t answered my question about it either. Is this unique to me? They’re all too close and too varying conditions Really. I am not much into video , So does the price difference between D and D is really worth it.
Also what do you think of buying D over D as I dont think touch screen is useful for me. It’s not much different, but enough for me to chose the d over the d A far superior option would be the d refurb.
It has many more features to grow into for just a little more size and weight. They do Not have the flip out screen! I have a flip screen on my d, but rarely use it, and need it even less. The bodies that offer motor drive af and metering for non af lenses open up a ton of options for you in the used lens market.
Lots of great glass available for cheap.
Nikon capture nx2 recensione free. Review: Capture NX 2
Since edits are separate from image data, a non-destructive editing system merely has to copy the list of edits from one image to another. Capture NX offers basic copy and paste controls for moving edits from one image to another and provides a simple batch-processing control for applying the same set of edits to entire folders full of images.
Along the way, you can also automatically rename. For what most people need for most of their images, though, NX 2 delivers. That added step can be a hassle. Otherwise, I recommend Viveza. So if there is no magnifying tool does that mean that if you want to crop a certain section of the picture that it wont be up close?
Also can you edit logos with capture NX 2? Really good price. Got mine the other day link is. I cannot find a way of moving them around. Yes I can open them, yes I can edit them, but I cannot move them around. This is extrememly unusual for phot editing packages and a feature that is found on even the free on line manufacturers — can anyone help me — I cannot even find an answer in the most comprehenseive NX2 books.
This is the worst program for processing lots of images, the workflow is simply unuseable, I have had nothing but problems. Even simple things like resizing the image window when you zoom in and out, they have not been able to make work, so you have to double handle everything.
Worst of all, is that for no reaosn that I can figure, the files rotate automatically when you go to adjust the curves, and you cant get it to stop, so you have to close the program and restart it.
I have been tryin tio use this program for three years now, and it simply is not in any way useable as a professional tool. I love using Nikon Catpyure 4 — it is fast, easy to use, and get s amazing results from the files. I have also found Capture NX2 to be unusable. Talked to nikon about the problems but found no solutions. Workflow is terrible. I have used Nikon digital with good results since Nikon View and Capture 4 are the best no nonsense software for people that have to get the job done.
Capture NX is good for people that one file that they would like to tinker with all day. I probably would have bought something else. While I agree that Photoshop is still the monarch in the image processing world I found it slow to learn and slow to do basic image improvements. Our marketing department who are skilled users of Photoshop are having me do the quick n easy mods with NX2. Yes some of the UI is a bit clunky and needs improvement.
For the pro LR may be a better deal, for us rank photo newbies that do not have a emotional attachment to another product or the acquired skill level I found NX 2 to be a good combination of price, production quality and easy to learn. As for results from NX 2 I am getting good results quicker than I was with my 3 month long foray into other products. If I was cranking out dozens of images per week I might have a different story.
Thanks for giving me more to think about. Hi Michael, I understand your frustration with Photoshop. I owned it for about 10 years before I ever did more than choose auto levels, auto contrast, and auto color. Seriously, I’m a programmer and hold patents for computer technology, but Photoshop is one of the worst user interfaces on the planet for beginners. This is why I wrote this article to help people like you so you don’t suffer like I did. In addition, what makes you successful with Capture NX2 is primarly what Nik Software has done with their U-Point technology, so when you combine this with Lightroom or Photoshop you have the power of those superior products with the tools to make some amazing images.
Try out the demo versions of the other Nik Software products with Lightroom. You can do a ton and never fire up Photoshop, but you’ll get much more amazing results. Capture NX2 is great for what it is, but it’s kinda like comparing Microsoft Works to Microsoft Office – it “works”, but just barely.
Ron, Thanks, I will take a closer look at Lightroom. I noticed from many of you images on your site you seem to use a lot of the NIK products. Do you use these in conjunction with other products LR or more as stand alone products? I am trying to find the best combination of solutions for something I can afford, or purchase as I go. Every dollar on software is one less spent on hardware such as a good Micro. Thanks, Mike. Nik Software products are the key component of my digital workflow.
I use them as Lightroom plug-ins for light work although you can do some pretty amazing stuff with Viveza 2 , but more often I use them in Photoshop for one primary reason – so I can use the “brush” feature which basically creates a mask so I can control where the effect is applied and where it isn’t.
Technically you can use U-Point controls do to the same thing, but it can be tricky if you want to do something like apply heavy sharpening on eyebrows without applying it to the face. It’s possible with U-Point, but perhaps not as efficent. Ron, I’m considering the purchase either of Lightroom or NX 2.
I’m concerned that the older U-Point technology that NX 2 incorporates is not nearly as effective as that in Viveza 2. I was originally attracted to NX 2 for its RAW conversion capabilities, but Lightroom’s organizing features and the Nik Suite’s additional plugins seem to tip the balance in favour of Lightroom. Michael Black.
Michael – go for the Lightroom combo given what you have now. You can see from this article that the Lightoom and NX2 raw conversions aren’t drastically different, and any percieved differences can definitely be corrected while editing the photos. North America. Home Reviews. TechRadar Verdict. Cons – No cataloguing options or localised adjustments – Prone to freezing on our Mac.
Best photo editing software Nikon has ended development of Capture NX2, its premier raw conversion and editing tool. MaxMoritz Unfortunately again not thought to the end: – do not display more than 4 images at the same time – no simultaneous resizing of the selected images in the viewer – no catalog for quick display with reduced image size like Media Pro. PeterjmTim Thanks for another great review Mike.
M Lammerse Silkypix is the only other soft which gives you the exact camera settings as in Capture Studio. Photog74 Can you make any localised edits via selections or brushes?
Hazeyblue Yes to you question. Download it and try, it’s free. Julian Well that was an interesting surprise Julian I rarely use photoshop though, I almost exclusively work in lightroom SdeGat May good points again munn1.
Is photo work a real business for you BTW? Julian I installed NX studio over the weekend, and played with it a bit. Spectro if they just merge the 2, otherwise I will still use capture nx-d here and there. Per Vindis Very interesting. AKH You can choose what you want. Hazeyblue It does. If so, this is awesome! Hazeyblue I use a custom Picture Set, based around Portrait – it recognises my settings. It does a exceptional job.
You can export directly to Photoshop and Other Applications. Herve J twomonts1 Thank you, I thought I couldn’t find it Stretchini Won’t install after two downloads. Running as admin. Rick It’s free. What’s the problem? CAT Productions Nice surprise. ChristopherP To reiterate a critical flaw someone noticed earlier in this thread, you cannot export directly into, in my case, Photoshop as a TIF.
PhoenixImagine Most likely fixed in an update. This is version 1. AKH I wouldn’t call that very critical. You may also like. Latest sample galleries. Sigma 20mm F1. Sigma 24mm F1. Canon EOS R10 production sample gallery. See more galleries ». Latest in-depth reviews. It’s small, inexpensive and incredibly wide. How does Laowa’s latest full-frame lens perform? Read more reviews ».
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Nikon NX Studio goes way beyond basic image editing, and it has some powerful tools that appeal to amateurs and professionals alike.
Nikon NX Studio utilizes a separate program called Nikon Transfer 2 to import images from a memory card or other source. Photo storage on the left, editing tools on the right, and your image in the middle.
On slower computers, editing operations like changing the white balance can result in a tiny delay, during which time a checkerboard pattern is visible.
I left Nikon NX Studio running overnight; the next morning, I found that my computer had slowed to a crawl. It had some kind of memory leak that was using every spare scrap of RAM I had available. Nikon NX Studio imports images to folders on your hard drive, not to a proprietary archive. To find your images, use the folders on the left-hand side. The Filter bar lets you sort by many different criteria. List View is a very useful way of viewing and sorting your images.
You can create custom sets of editing adjustments, then switch to your custom sets with a simple click. The Color Control Point tool lets you click on any part of an image and use sliders to adjust colors on the spot. Nikon NX Studio has a very useful tool for making global color edits to an image. Click and drag up or down on the horizontal line to adjust the parameters of a color, and adjust the Width to control the range of colors affected by a given peak or valley.
The Export dialog in Nikon NX Studio has plenty of options, but its use is limited by the lack of export presets. Will Nikon NX Studio work on my mobile phone?
Will Nikon NX Studio run on my computer?