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Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Would you recommend this Guide? Yes No Hide. Send Skip Hide. Message Sent. Due to long and hard hours of working on my life and my profession, I have been trying to get back to this guide.
What’s worse, sometimes I get to it, then I realize I have to get back to my normal life What’s left of it and at the same time, I have had a lot of help with this guide and I have lost a lot of E-mails over the past years since this guide has been out. All I can say is, I am very sorry if you have not been added to this guide and have not been remembered as a helper.
Because my life has to take priority, it’s not easy trying to keep up with technology and keeping all the original info from years past. If, in fact you have been a part of this guide as a helper of info, but was not added to this guide, my sincerest apologies.
I don’t know how to make it up to you, but for those of you who I do know, I hope you understand my dilema. Anyways, I have been trying my best to keep this guide updated as much as possible and trying my hardest to get this game solved and finish a solution for everyone to have. This game is easy if you know what your doing, but if you don’t, you will get stuck rather quickly. I do want to point out that this is NOT a walk- thru, but a solution guide to help you beat this game.
Although I don’t exactly tell you what to say to people, I do hint out what you must get people to do for you, so please bare that in mind. This game has put me through a lot of stress and frustration, trying to find all the secrets, locations, items, artifacts, weapons, money, and more. If you have sent in info about anything, but don’t see your name or I didn’t give credit to anyone about it, please hold on, I’m trying to get this thing organized so everyone will understand what and how to beat this game.
As you will see, this is not an easy task to do since making a complete walkthru or step-by-step solution would be pointless at this point. Mostly because there is so much to find, but you don’t need to beat this game in that way at all. The extra stuff is for your benefit only. So, if you see something about side quests or about playing a part that does not need to be solved, then you know you can ignore it and go on with the real quest of this game.
I am also in the process of trying to clean up a lot of info that is not in the right place. As I said, you can beat this game, but it is not complete with ALL the secrets and info that I need for this to be a complete solution. Anyways, lets get on with it and help you beat this game so you can get to the next game. It would be best if you at least tried to play the game first to familiarize yourself with this game and how to get the other things in the game. A lot of the game requires that you have certain people alive as well as dead.
Killing everyone is NOT the way to do this. Mostly because you will need to have LOTS of people alive at or near the end of the game. So don’t attack everyone you meet, they may be important later. Sometimes, even if you are being attacked, it is not always wise to fight back.
Mostly because they are testing you to see if you are worthy of them. I will indicate who is to be alive or dead in this FAQ. Do pick up any items you find, such as gems, gold, enchanted weapons, and chests and bags. The reason for the chests and bags is because you will run out of room for your inventory, chests and bags will increase the ability to hold more stuff.
Although you can hold a limited amount, due to encumberance. Do save your game often for the fact that sometimes the game will act funny in spots and do strange things if you do not do them right the first time. Another thing to keep in mind is that you might be asked to go on a certain task for someone.
Do accept the task for the fact that a lot of them will reward you with special items and enchanted weapons. Not all the time will you get items, sometimes you only get gold or just fruit and sometimes normal weapons. When you are creating your party, go ahead and use all 4 slots. You will not be able to get any new players to come with you on your journey, so don’t plan for this. Some will say they will follow or lead you somewhere, but they will never join your party or replace anyone in your party as well.
So please, take advantage of using all 4 slots when creating a charatcer. Make sure you have plenty of space left on the hard drive when you install the game. The reason for this is the save games can get as big as 1.
Keep in mind that this is NOT a walkthru, but more of a hints guide to help you solve a lot of puzzles. I didn’t want to make this too easy for you but you can at least figure out what you need to do. That’s why I mentioned to save often, that way if you mess up, just go back to your saved game and try again.
The only walkthru’s are the ones where you might not have to go back to after you are done with that area. Keep in mind that in some areas you may have to come back later to get your reward or to let certain events happen so you can talk, attack, or use certain things. This is a list of what I have ran into when I played this game. When this game was first made, there were more problems than what I am mentioning now, so you had to get a patch to fix this problem.
Sometimes, even after you have killed someone, they will still be able to communicate with you. Make sure you are very careful where you drop stuff, or you may end up losing it for ever. So, be very careful when you use an item on an object, or dropping an item on something.
You may end up losing it for ever if you are not very careful of what you do. Best if you saved the game before you drop or use an item. In one spot, I had a problem with a character not being at the right place at the right time. The problem was when I confronted the queen, the prince was suppose to tell the spiders that the queen is evil and he helps you kill her.
At one point, he failed to do this and I ended up fighting everyone, including the prince. Make sure the game does what it is suppose to when you read this FAQ. If it doesn’t happen, reload any saved game and try again, sometimes the game is not always very wise. So, make sure you see what your suppose to when it happens. One way to fix this is to try to stand in different locations or approach a location a different way. If for some reason this does not help, then maybe it’s because you need to get a patch for this game.
Another thing I have ran into was that I have seen ways of getting 2 of the same type of special item. Then, talk to him again, then except the mission again, somehow you managed to get 2 pith extracts, not just one.
Strange, isn’t it? At the end of the game, depending on which version of the game you have, there is a MAJOR game lock up when you are trying to beat the last part of the game. This is the major reason why you need to have the patch for this game. If your game locks up at the or near the end of the game, then your game needs the patch to fix this problem.
Please keep in mind about this. And so far has left me with more questions than answers. This game still has a lot of unanswered info that I am still trying to solve for this game. So when you read this, please keep in mind, that although not complete, you can still beat this game anyways. The info I am looking for is on the side quests, special items, special quests, and more.
So if you play this game and your reading this solutions guide, I just want to point out that this game can be beaten in several ways, not just one. If any of you have any info for me about anything you might have seen, done, tested, or tried, please send me some info if you can about any info that you might have found for this game. Please, I want only factual and true info about this game, no bogus stuff. Since this solution is far from complete, who knows what type of other secrets lie in this game.
Maybe more bugs, maybe more quests, maybe more items to get, and maybe more weapons or money. If you find any info that I have not included in this solutions guide, send them to me. I will point out that I will test your info out to see if you are serious about your info.
I do still happen to have this game. So please, help me out. To find out more info on sending me stuff, read the bottom of this solutions guide to see my E-mail. Without the effeorts of help like these people, I might have not finished this in this amount of time. They have spent hours themselves looking over my mistakes, fixing my errors, helping out with some questions I have had, and mostly, to thank them for the trouble of helping me put this thing together.
There, did I suck up enough now? I have been getting very frustrated with this until they helped out in showing me my mistake. And as of MAY of , he has helped me with my spelling errors and has done a more completed items list for this game. MAJOR thanks, will add the info soon and hope to work with you more and keep this guide up to date. I have not fix this yet, but I will remember to put them on when I get a chance. I am still trying to add more info and finishing this up.
Thanks Dot, will get to it when I can. Dot has also sent me info on a funny little trick you can do in the game, I’ll add that as I find out more about it. Thanks for your help.
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Dark Sun: Shattered Lands – Wikipedia
The Dark Sun world of Athas is arid and bleak, a wasteland with a handful of cities ruled by thousand-year-old sorcerer-kings. Your party begins. Unleash your imagination into a vast, savage world, sun-scorched and wind-scraped. This series contains the radiant classics, Dark Sun: Shattered Lands, and.