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Game details. Black Desert is a revolutionary MMORPG that delivers intense, fast-paced combat, profitable life skills and an expansive open world. Slay monsters. Played by over 20 million Adventurers – Black Desert Online is an open-world action MMORPG, offering breathtaking visuals, unrivaled combat. Play the Game. Top-tier rewards! Receive a Black Desert on Steam – Download Black Desert torrent [full game, newest version]


Install the Black Desert launcher if your game doesn’t start. An Adventurer who’s lost all memories stands at the center of a continent. Begin your journey to uncover the truth of this black desert pc game. Wander the plains on horseback or sail the oceans on a ship. Explore the wide world and create your продолжение здесь story.

Fight back the forces that threaten the world or test your might against other Adventurers. Lead your guild to victory in battle black desert pc game earn great renown and greater wealth.

Cozy up in your uniquely decorated residence, sit and listen to insects around a campfire, embark on a fishing trip with friends, or become a talented alchemist. From the scorching heat of a desert metropolis to the serene peace of hidden forest enclaves, a thrilling story follows wherever your footsteps take you. Enjoy the beautiful remastered world of Black Desert through videos and images. We use cookies, with your consent, to customize content and advertising.

More information. Please Install the Black Desert launcher to start the game. Download the Black Desert Launcher. Events Get to 50 and Get a Game Pass. Uncover the Ancients’ Truth An Adventurer who’s lost all memories stands at the center of a continent.

Black desert pc game Adventures Wander the plains on horseback or sail the oceans on a ship. See more. Countless Battles Fight back the forces that threaten the world or test your might against other Adventurers. Endless Possibilities Cozy up in your uniquely decorated residence, sit and listen to insects around a campfire, embark on a fishing trip with friends, or become a talented alchemist. A Vast Open Black desert pc game From the scorching heat of a desert metropolis to black desert pc game serene peace of hidden forest enclaves, black desert pc game thrilling story follows wherever your footsteps take you.

Warrior Warrior is a skilled melee fighter that uses a sword and shield. He’s a powerful combatant with balanced offense and defense. Learn More. Ranger Ranger is a ranged class that attacks enemies from afar. She uses ranged strikes in combat to keep her targets at bay. Sorceress Sorceress is a hybrid class adept at both melee and ranged combat. Her dark magic makes her a threat at any range.

Berserker Berserker is a melee fighter who wields massive axes to mercilessly attack his foes. His bestial rage cleaves enemies apart with ease. Tamer Tamer is an up-close combatant who fights in tandem with her beast companion. She can even ride atop Heilang as its fangs and claws shred opponents. Musa Musa is a martial arts master whose sword strikes with speed and precision. Enemies fall before he sheathes his blade. Maehwa Maehwa uses martial arts techniques to slice through enemies like water.

Her blade moves with all the swiftness of black desert pc game wind. Valkyrie Valkyrie leads the charge on the battlefield with her sword and shield. She channels Elion’s sacred powers through her skills. Kunoichi Kunoichi is a deadly assassin that strikes with swords and cunning ninjutsu. She’ll use any trick to ensure her victory. Ninja Ninja is an expert in all lethal arts, be it stealth strikes with a blade or shuriken. His ninjutsu ensures he never leaves a trace.

Black desert pc game Wizard is a ranged spellcaster who can control the forces of nature with his staff. Black desert pc game will use primordial elements to obliterate his enemies. Witch Witch is a ranged spellcaster who gained a firm grasp of magic at a young age. She uses various elements to dispatch her enemies from a distance.

Mystic Mystic is a hand-to-hand brawler black desert pc game rushes headlong into a fight. Her mastery of black desert pc game arts lets her command any battle. Striker Striker is a melee black desert pc game who uses his body as a deadly weapon. Armed with gauntlets as weapons, his fists pulverize enemies in hand-to-hand combat.

Lahn Lahn is a нажмите чтобы перейти fighter whose crescent pendulum allows her to lash out at lightning speed. She can take on whole hordes of enemies with dazzling grace. Archer Black desert pc game is an agile ranged class that shoots enemies from a distance.

His grace on the battlefield ensures enemies are dead before he’s ever touched. Dark Knight Приведу ссылку Knight is a melee fighter that wields the lethal yet beautiful Kriegsmesser. She black desert pc game spirits to infuse her attacks with their power. Shai Shai is a support class that has both combat and support abilities with powerful team buffs. She can ride her florang to glide in and out of battle.

Guardian Guardian is a melee fighter who wields shield and battle axe to crush her enemies with heavy strikes. She is as merciless as the mountain she hails from. Hashashin Hashashin is a mid-range fighter who wields the power of the sands to do his bidding. Enemies caught off-guard are quickly dispatched by his shamshir. Nova Nova is a mid-range fighter who wields a massive tower узнать больше здесь and morning star.

She can summon spirit guards to multiply her strength and shore up her defenses. Sage Sage is a ranged caster who wields the cube-shaped kyve. This ancient weapon manipulates time and space to call forth an array of powerful, offensive magics. Corsair Corsair is a melee fighter who can transform into a Mermaid to summon the tides, while brandishing her flexible blade and rope to deal spontaneous attacks.

Drakania Drakania здесь a melee class that can steal the energy of her opponents, releases it to her two-handed sword Slayer to inflict a powerful blow.

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Black desert pc game


Mixed or average reviews – based on 35 Critic Reviews What’s this? Mixed or average reviews – based on Ratings. See all 36 Critic Reviews. Black Desert Online PC. User Score. Your Score. Rate this:. Log in to finish rating Black Desert Online. Black Desert Online.

Share this? Summary: Black Desert is a large scale of sandbox oriented MMORPG that provides you a variety of unique experiences with spectacular action and battle, strategy-based castle siege, sophisticated simulation contents such as trade, NPC-hiring and real estate management. Play Sound. Please enter your birth date to watch this video:. January February March April May June July August September October November December 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Enter.

Critic Reviews. Score distribution:. Positive: 15 out of Mixed: 20 out of Negative: 0 out of IGN Denmark. A beautiful and entertaining new take on the classic MMO, with a strong player driven content path. I welcome that. All this publication’s reviews Read full review.

The biggest issue for me is how dense the complexity makes the game. There are always quests that give you reasons to gather or play the many mini-games—moving a wheel-barrow requires you keep a cursor in between two points, and the fishing system is actually rather fun. With it’s massive and unique open world, Black Desert Online is inviting you to a great adventure. Pelit Finland.

Black Desert Online had potential to be ground breaking, but suffers from a monotous PVE grind and some questionable practices regarding its cash shop. All this publication’s reviews. Hardcore Gamer. Black Desert Online is a beautiful game marred by inept tutorials and an impenetrable story. The Escapist. The game’s few innovations aren’t enough to make up for its myriad shortcomings, making it come across as just another MMORPG. User Reviews. Write a Review. Positive: out of Mixed: 41 out of Negative: out of Don’t mind the low scores, the game is great.

There is a huge influx of angry Elder Scrolls Online players who campaign to reduce the score Don’t mind the low scores, the game is great. There is a huge influx of angry Elder Scrolls Online players who campaign to reduce the score here in thsi game. Not for people who like to give up, Who dont enjoy spending hours perfecting your play to the utmost and making a name for yourself in a Not for people who like to give up, Who dont enjoy spending hours perfecting your play to the utmost and making a name for yourself in a game that has no limit.

You will never forget the days u see your first ents walking through the forest. Or the first time u hammer on a cyclops in a far of forest.

The first time u succeed in building a fishing boat and go on the hunt for whales or just see the sun rise above the islands. Cant praise this game enough but its not for people who dont like the grind. Yeah, the trailers was awesome as always in rpg fantasy games. I thought this game would be really enjoyable. I was dreaming about pro Yeah, the trailers was awesome as always in rpg fantasy games. I was dreaming about pro mechanics stuff, also with additional plot. I’ve played it for first time at my friends home.

I was really grateful to myself, i didn’t bought that game. Its not as crap as some others “mainstream” rpg’s, but uhmm Well, but its playable.

Not even sure where to begin with how bad this game is. I think people are starved for mmos so they are willing to put up with all kinds of Not even sure where to begin with how bad this game is. I think people are starved for mmos so they are willing to put up with all kinds of stuff in a game and still give it good ratings. So that makes you a fanboy or an employee if you voted NOW that that’s established, on to the game Im just not as starved for an mmo as some of these reviewers.

This game looks great in still frames. Looks OK in most Utube reviews. The game seems like it has a lot of depth. And after you make the This game looks great in still frames. And after you make the purchase and download it you will find out what it’s really about.

A whole lot of nothing. The combat is weak, the quests are typical. Trying to figure out how to develop your work force or even how to go about the conversation mini-game takes way more effort than it should and don’t expect any help from the community. I spent 10 minutes trying to get a simple answer to one of the games many convoluted features to no avail. In short, the game sucks and only rates a 3 because of the graphics which aren’t stellar.

I’m sorry I wasted my money on it. Maybe you will be too. Hi there, twitch sponsort me the game, so i had a bit time in it, found a friendly guild and liked all the first look stunning features. Only thing on the look i would like to critic are the lightings wich are not working good. Real time lighting would be an great update. Character Design: Ok, all of you would installes the game just for the charakter design features, it’s real cool and there is a great amount of classes in here.

But for me personal i don’t like the idea of genderlock. It’s a big discussion out there, but for me personal the game is reduced on 9 classes out of Mechanics: your first entry into the game will be a great one. It feels like an mmo, the UI could need a bit more love but the fights are great dynamic, i realy liked how the fights can be timed, moved etc. Everything else You can trade That’s it.

Guild missions inGame i thought, cool idea, but when over one million silver payment, please let there be more than 10 members be online to get it payed. You can find a real poor amount of items wich are best for your character and after two weeks playing i had TET gear, wich is one step before “endgame”gear, but when you find let’s say a kutum dagger, it’s worth around But you want it to be enhanced, get it in a higher tier and you can do it youself, or you can buy it from an price fixed market.

I had a TET version for around, take a seat, 2. Don’t think about PEN it’s even higher priced and don’t forget you can even try to enhace it by youself.

Then one big, realy big anoying thing is the pearl shop, the inGame shop. There you can buy real great things like Or hey, we sell you a great buff for your character thats gives him less tax pay in the ingame market you can carry more loot and such things And so on. The greatest bash i got was when i tryied to craft an costumef or my character. Yes, you can buy costumes for 10 to over 30 dollars, but you can tailor ingame. So i got eveything i needed for my wished self tailored costume aaaaand If you wish this to be a costume, please pay us 15 dollars for a coupon with that you can make a costume out of your self tailored armour Ok, Black Desert could have been potantial, but there are no dungeons, no real player interactions nothing special to do ingame, it’s all just for making a real big amount of silver for just buying your PEN equipment or the enhance needed things, it’s good looking but for me, there is so less to do that i real can not understand why i should play this for any longer.

Play Video. Black Desert Online – Maehwa Gameplay.


Black desert pc game


Critic Reviews. Score distribution:. Positive: 15 out of Mixed: 20 out of Negative: 0 out of IGN Denmark. A beautiful and entertaining new take on the classic MMO, with a strong player driven content path.

I welcome that. All this publication’s reviews Read full review. The biggest issue for me is how dense the complexity makes the game.

There are always quests that give you reasons to gather or play the many mini-games—moving a wheel-barrow requires you keep a cursor in between two points, and the fishing system is actually rather fun. With it’s massive and unique open world, Black Desert Online is inviting you to a great adventure. Pelit Finland. Black Desert Online had potential to be ground breaking, but suffers from a monotous PVE grind and some questionable practices regarding its cash shop.

All this publication’s reviews. Hardcore Gamer. Black Desert Online is a beautiful game marred by inept tutorials and an impenetrable story.

The Escapist. The game’s few innovations aren’t enough to make up for its myriad shortcomings, making it come across as just another MMORPG. User Reviews. Write a Review. Positive: out of Mixed: 41 out of Negative: out of Don’t mind the low scores, the game is great. There is a huge influx of angry Elder Scrolls Online players who campaign to reduce the score Don’t mind the low scores, the game is great.

There is a huge influx of angry Elder Scrolls Online players who campaign to reduce the score here in thsi game. Not for people who like to give up, Who dont enjoy spending hours perfecting your play to the utmost and making a name for yourself in a Not for people who like to give up, Who dont enjoy spending hours perfecting your play to the utmost and making a name for yourself in a game that has no limit.

You will never forget the days u see your first ents walking through the forest. Or the first time u hammer on a cyclops in a far of forest. The first time u succeed in building a fishing boat and go on the hunt for whales or just see the sun rise above the islands. Cant praise this game enough but its not for people who dont like the grind. Yeah, the trailers was awesome as always in rpg fantasy games.

I thought this game would be really enjoyable. I was dreaming about pro Yeah, the trailers was awesome as always in rpg fantasy games. I was dreaming about pro mechanics stuff, also with additional plot.

I’ve played it for first time at my friends home. I was really grateful to myself, i didn’t bought that game. Its not as crap as some others “mainstream” rpg’s, but uhmm Well, but its playable. Not even sure where to begin with how bad this game is.

I think people are starved for mmos so they are willing to put up with all kinds of Not even sure where to begin with how bad this game is. I think people are starved for mmos so they are willing to put up with all kinds of stuff in a game and still give it good ratings.

So that makes you a fanboy or an employee if you voted NOW that that’s established, on to the game Im just not as starved for an mmo as some of these reviewers. This game looks great in still frames. Looks OK in most Utube reviews. The game seems like it has a lot of depth. And after you make the This game looks great in still frames.

And after you make the purchase and download it you will find out what it’s really about. A whole lot of nothing. The combat is weak, the quests are typical. Trying to figure out how to develop your work force or even how to go about the conversation mini-game takes way more effort than it should and don’t expect any help from the community. I spent 10 minutes trying to get a simple answer to one of the games many convoluted features to no avail.

In short, the game sucks and only rates a 3 because of the graphics which aren’t stellar. I’m sorry I wasted my money on it. Maybe you will be too. Hi there, twitch sponsort me the game, so i had a bit time in it, found a friendly guild and liked all the first look stunning features. Only thing on the look i would like to critic are the lightings wich are not working good. Black Desert features a completely player driven marketplace. Buying and selling goods all happens through the Central Market Place, and the stock is populated purely by the players.

Slay monsters, abominations and gods, or engage in relaxing life skills like crafting, fishing and cooking. Rating Pending. Play Black Desert and hundreds of high-quality games for one low monthly price with Game Pass. Black Desert is a registered trademark, trademark or service mark of Pearl Abyss Corporation. Trailers and gameplay.

Discover your next favorite game Play hundreds of high-quality games with friends, plus enjoy Xbox Live Gold and an EA Play membership, all for one low monthly price. Game features. Incredible character customization tools One of the most powerful character customization tools available on Xbox One. Revolutionary action-packed combat Get to grips with the fast paced, combo-orientated combat system of Black Desert.

Expansive open world to explore Black Desert has a huge open world to explore. Deep and rewarding life skills Sometimes it’s good to just sit back and relax, and in Black Desert you can fish, trade, hunt, craft and more! Player driven economy Black Desert features a completely player driven marketplace.

Additional information Rating Pending May contain content inappropriate for children. Visit ESRB. Publisher Pearl Abyss Corp. Developer Pearl Abyss Corp.