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Views 55 Downloads 3 File size 5MB. All Rights Reserved. Except as otherwise permitted by Autodesk, Inc. Certain materials included in this publication are reprinted with the permission of the copyright holder. Trademarks The following are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free.

Here are groups of general settings to customize the look of the user interface and define how the program works. Here you can choose working language language нажмите чтобы прочитать больше interfaceregional settings codes, databases and printout autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free. All of these are set independently, so you can work with one language chosen from one of ten available according to different regional codes and print documentation in another.

Also within Preferences, you can change look of every particular element of the desktop by using predefined templates or by creating your own. Set the codes and actions as shown below: Job Preferences are grouped in six categories: units, materials, databases, design codes, structure analysis and autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free parameters.

With an array of 70 built-in design codes, structural engineers can work with country-specific section shapes, imperial or metric units, and country-specific building codes structuarl the anapysis integrated mode. The layouts adobe cs4 free free accessible by clicking the list box in the top right corner of the main window which opens the layout list shown in the figure below: Context menu While working in the graphical viewer, one may activate the context menu shown annalysis by pressing the right-hand mouse button.

The menu autoesk one to perform many useful and frequently used operations while the program is carrying out the formerly issued commands. The tables relevant to the current layout become visible when one enters the layout. There will appear the Tables: Data and Results dialog box. In this читать больше box, one should indicate the required items and press the OK button.

A table containing data will be generated for each of the indicated items. Once the Edit tab is activated in the bottom left corner of a given table, one may perform the operation of modifying structure parameters.

Analyssis settings The Snap Settings dialog box becomes available once the located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Object Inspector The Object Inspector is located along the left-hand side of the interface.

Tabs to select these topics are along the bottom of the dialog. Reinforced Concrete Design — 2D Frame This example is used to show the definition, analysis and design of a simple 2D frame illustrated in the figure below.

The frame is made of the RC frame and the truss generated tuorial using the library of typical structures available in the RSAP program.

Data units: m and kN. Four out of five load cases applied to the structure are displayed in the drawing below. To run structure definition start the RSAP program press the appropriate icon or select the command from the taskbar. The vignette window will be displayed. Select icon in the first row 2D Frame Design. The Structural Axis dialog box appears on the screen.

Defines vertical axis parameters. LMC on the Z tab Starts definition of horizontal axis parameters. Defines horizontal axis parameters. Apply, Close Creates defined structural axes and closes the Structural Axes dialog box. Structural axes will be displayed on the screen очень autodesk maya 2011 activation code free топик shown in the figure below.

Opens the Sections dialog box. Opens the New Section dialog box. Select the Definition icon. Add Defines a new section. In the Label anlysis enter B 45x Close Closes the Sections dialog box. Opens the Bars dialog box. LMC on the Beginning field background color changes to green Starts definition of bars in the structure structure columns. Enter the following points in the Beginning and End fields. Beginning: 0,0 End: 0,3Add Beginning; 0,3 End: 0,6Add Defines the first two bars located on structural axis number 1.

RMC within the graphics view area and choose Select command from the context menu Opens context menu and switches to selection mode. Remember to activate the View window first. Execute, Autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free Column translation; closes the Translation dialog box.

LMC on the Beginning field background color changes to green Starts definition of bars in the structure. Close Closes the Bars dialog box. Bars will be displayed on the screen as shown in the figure below. LMC double-click on the page: 13 Opens the Typical Structures dialog box and starts definition of a autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free structure. The Merge Structure dialog box appears and truss parameters can be defined.

LMC on the Length L field on the Dimensions tab: 24 Defines the truss length it can also be defined graphically in the graphic viewer. LMC on autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free Height H field: 3 Defines the truss height it can also be defined graphically in the graphic viewer. Defines the number of fields into which the truss will be divided.

Apply, OK Locates the defined structure in atructural appropriate place analyis closes the Merge structure dialog box. The autdesk structure is presented on the drawing below. LMC on the Current selection field, switch to the graphic viewer and indicate hover curser over the highest post of the truss the bar between the nodes 9 and 29 Selects the truss bar; ATTENTION: take note of the arrows that appear on the highlighted truss bar — while indicating the bar the arrows should be pointed up the direction of the release is significant: at the first node autoesk pinned connection remains, whereas at the second one — the fixed connection is defined Close Closes the Releases dialog box.

LMC on the Autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free Selection field on the Nodal tab the cursor should be blinking in that field Selects structure nodes in which supports will be defined. Switch to the graphic viewer by pressing the left mouse button; select all lower column nodes with the window Selected nodes: 1to13by3 will be entered to the Current Selection field.

In the Supports dialog box select professionsl Fixed support icon the support will be highlighted Selects the support type. Apply, Close Selected support type will be assigned to selected structure nodes, closes the Supports dialog box. Place the table in the lower part of the screen in autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free a way so that it is adjusted to its width and the defined structure model is displayed. Opens a table for loads acting in defined load cases.

Decreases the table size so that the load graphic definition is possible. LMC on the second field in the Case nd column, select the 2 load case LL1 from the list Defines loads pdr the second load case. LMC on the field in the List column, select all the concrete beams in the graphic viewer bars 11to14 Selects bars to which the uniform load will be applied. LMC on the next field in the Case rd column, select the 3 load case LL2 autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free the list Defines loads for the third load case.

LMC on the field in the List column, select graphically in the graphic viewer the first left span of the concrete beam bar 11 Selects bars to which the trapezoidal load will be applied. LMC on the field in the List column, Select graphically in the graphic viewer the left edge column bars 1 and 2 Selects bars to which the uniform load will be applied. LMC on the field in the Case column, th select the 5 load case SN1 from the list Defines loads for the fifth load case.

LMC on the field in the List column, select graphically in the graphic viewer the nodes on the upper truss chords lrofessional the edge nodes nodes 24to34 Selects nodes to which моему windows 10 fix critical process died free download nodal force load will be applied.

Close the Load table 1. Increase of the number of decimal places for Displacement to 4 Increases the number of decimal places for Displacement to 4. Apply Displays a diagram of the bending moment for structure bars see the drawing below. In a similar way, diagrams that exhibit other values available from the Diagrams dialog box can be displayed.

Robor the maximum and minimum displacements obtained in structure nodes see the drawing below. Table Columns Selects the Table Columns option and opens the dialog box. Close the Displacements table 1. RMC on the graphic viewer and choose the Select option from the context menu; select all Outlook 2016 microsoft free download beams structugal the window Selects the beams for design.

Data on the beam together with the static analysis results will be loaded to this module. Closes the Calculation Options dialog box. Autodesk robot structural analysis professional 2014 tutorial pdf french free patern dialog box.

Graphic and tabulated presentation of reinforcement in the beam see the drawing below. Close the editor with the calculation note 1. Data on the column profeseional with the static analysis results will be loaded to this module. Select the Start Calculations icon from the Standard toolbar Starts calculations of the reinforcement required professionxl to the adopted parameters. From the list of available combinations located on the left side of the Intersection dialog box select the first combination from the top Presents the column section with the following elements marked on it: neutral axis, compressive and tensile zones together with the appropriate safety factors for the selected combination.

Introduce the list of bars 1to14 in the Calculations for: field with the Design option active Selection of members that will undergo the design process Introduce the list of the load cases 1to5 applied to the structure and used during its design into the Lists of cases field Selection of all load cases For the Calculate option for beams assume the following parameters: in 11 points Determination of the parameters of searching for the theoretical required area of reinforcement for the selected members of the structure LMC the Calculate button Calculations of the theoretical required area of reinforcement for the selected members of the structure and the adopted calculation parameters are started.

Steel Design — 2D Frame The following is an example of a definition, analysis and design of a simple, 2D steel frame presented in the drawing below. Three load cases will be applied to the structure self-weight and two cases of live loads presented in the drawing below. In order to start defining a structure, one should run the RSAP program press the relevant icon or select the relevant command from the toolbar. After a while, there appears on screen the dialog box, where one should select the first icon in the first row 2D frame.

The section from the French section database Catpro has been used in this example. LMC in the Section robott and select the type HEA Beginning of the definition of structure beams and definition of their properties. The calculation note will appear on screen.

It consists of two parts: a graphical presentation of information diagrams, loads, bar sections for selected bars and a table presenting numerical results obtained for selected bars In the Detailed analysis dialog box select the following options: Select the maximum stress Smax on the Stresses tab Select Characteristic points on the Division points tab, LMC in Refresh Selection of the quantities to be presented for the selected beam Apply Adds new quantities to be presented for the selected beam Select the Global extremes tab in the table Activates presentation of global extremes obtained for the selected beam see figure below.

Exit Closing the viewer presenting the detailed analysis of the selected beam 2. An additional graphical viewer appears.



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