Capcom Arcade Stadium:CAPTAIN COMMANDO on Steam

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Captain Commando for PC / Mac / Windows – Free Download – – Description

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Arti Mimpi Melihat Lintah. Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the website. The Baby Commando is a super genius infant who fights using a robot of his own design. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category “Analytics”. In our case search for Captain Commando to install on PC. Other things he has are the “Captain Cap” which is a souvenir from the first meeting with Captain Commando, the “Genetic Bandage” which is his life-sustaining equipment for survival on Earth, the “Genetic Knife” which melts all matter and the “Gravity Controllers” which are his pair of shoes that adjust the gravitational pull to where it is best for the battles. The cookie is set by GDPR cookie consent to record the user consent for the cookies in the category “Functional”.

Download Captain Commando Game For PC – About This Content

Add CAPTAIN COMMANDO to your Capcom Arcade Stadium game line-up! Commandos, move out! Defeat the Super Criminals lead by Dr. Scumocide! Captain Commando is a futuristic side scrolling beat ’em up game released in and developed by Capcom. The game was first time released as a coin-operated.


Captain Commando Download | GameFabrique

There are numerous combinations of attacks while both jumping and standing.